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. Možda i hoću. Poanta je kad iste te južnoamerikaknke dođu u Austriju, Nizozemsku ili drugu zemlju gdje je prostitucija zakonom regulirana, naplaćuju 50-70 eura, a kod nas 150-200 eura, a koliki je standard tamo, a koliko kod nas.
I umjesto da cijene padnu zbog veće ponude, one rastu
E ako ti ne vidiš problem, e jebiga.
An entire a number of prostitute cost by the country I’ve spent long around the sleaziest bits around the world. And several of your sleaziest other sites. However We have not been able to get a really perfect and you will state of the art selection of prostitute prices for most of the country...
Red Light District Amsterdam Cost: All You Need To Know Say goodbye to overpaying in Amsterdam! Don’t let high costs ruin your trip. Explore the cost of Amsterdam Red Light District below and save money on your unforgettable adventure! Prices for food and drinks, sex shows, public transport...