BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA - Iskustva & recenzije

Are you used to women treating you badly? Because I treated you well and you made these negative comments about me, but I don't care. Good luck. 😊😘
Ljudi ne gubite dzabe pare na Ana Julia ili Juliana ne vredi bio sam jučer sve se dogovrili dosao na 1 h cura je brazilka malo je pretila . Kad sam dosao ocekivao sam dobar seks i dobsr feedback ali ne vredi ne želi da se trudi u seksu , konstantno priča , nije stalo njoi do klijenta nego sto prije da uzme pare od vas i da bjezite tako radi .!

Ljudi ne gubite dzabe pare na Ana Julia ili Juliana ne vredi bio sam jučer sve se dogovrili dosao na 1 h cura je brazilka malo je pretila . Kad sam dosao ocekivao sam dobar seks i dobsr feedback ali ne vredi ne želi da se trudi u seksu , konstantno priča , nije stalo njoi do klijenta nego sto prije da uzme pare od vas i da bjezite tako radi .!
Ma treba vam jebati mater funjare iz favele i pljackati vas na svaki dolazak. Usta te jebem karas se u faveli za 30€ ovdje glumite neki nivo jos i ovu musteriju vrijedjas a zivis od kurca bilo koje velicine. Ne jebe te djaba, tvoje je da budes maksimalno korektna prema njemu i da ima 2cm jer ti je platio.
Dear, I'm an educated woman, I'm fun and I don't like being mechanical with my clients, I treated you well, you have a small dick and I wasn't getting hard, so don't keep putting negative comments, tell the truth, I was super nice to you, I didn't treat
Dear, I'm an educated woman, I'm fun and I don't like being mechanical with my clients, I treated you well, you have a small dick and I wasn't getting hard, so don't keep putting negative comments, tell the truth, I was super nice to you, I didn't treat you badly It's not my fault if your dick is small, it's soft, you have to take Viagra before going to visit a girl

Yeah you treat me well , come on while I fuck you , you started to joking and dance you want some party or what ?!

Never take viagra because I don’t need that! You are nor worth of my money and thst is sure !

I have small dick but never take viagra you are fat and not sexy for me that why I stop had sex with you because you are not worth of it !

Better be more serious with clients ,you are not worth
Yeah you treat me well , come on while I fuck you , you started to joking and dance you want some party or what ?!

Never take viagra because I don’t need that! You are nor worth of my money and thst is sure !

I have small dick but never take viagra you are fat and not sexy for me that why I stop had sex with you because you are not worth of it !

Better be more serious with clients ,you are not worth
Truth is while I start fuck you its okay but you need really better service .

I have great time with Carla Martins who are ten times better then you and had three time sex without limits .

No one neeed joking and making dance giving me beer for 200 hundred are you crazy ?

You need to make me feel hungry to fuck you . I stop when you are joking and not doing anything to make me horny you are not worth of any money !
Ma treba vam jebati mater funjare iz favele i pljackati vas na svaki dolazak. Usta te jebem karas se u faveli za 30€ ovdje glumite neki nivo jos i ovu musteriju vrijedjas a zivis od kurca bilo koje velicine. Ne jebe te djaba, tvoje je da budes maksimalno korektna prema njemu i da ima 2cm jer ti je platio.
What are you talking crazy about, give me peace 🙄
Truth is while I start fuck you its okay but you need really better service .

I have great time with Carla Martins who are ten times better then you and had three time sex without limits .

No one neeed joking and making dance giving me beer for 200 hundred are you crazy ?

You need to make me feel hungry to fuck you . I stop when you are joking and not doing anything to make me horny you are not worth of any money !
Go give your ass to another man who is better
Are you used to women treating you badly? Because I treated you well and you made these negative comments about me, but I don't care. Good luck. 😊😘
Ljudi ne gubite dzabe pare na Ana Julia ili Juliana ne vredi bio sam jučer sve se dogovrili dosao na 1 h cura je brazilka malo je pretila . Kad sam dosao ocekivao sam dobar seks i dobsr feedback ali ne vredi ne želi da se trudi u seksu , konstantno priča , nije stalo njoi do klijenta nego sto prije da uzme pare od vas i da bjezite tako radi .!

Fuck you, boy, you can talk bad about me all you want, customer customer, I have my cell phone that won't stop ringing. 😘
Pazi ti nje sada i njenih komentara, sto ulazis ovdje i citas komentare ako ne mozes podnijeti to sto neko misli o tebi?
Prvo kada sam rekao da si mršavica, da puno pričas i da si srednja žalost nisam nista pogrijesio.
Znas i sama da je sve tako, i ne znam zasto se vrijedjas na to. znas i sama dobro kako izgledaju PICKE i kako izgledaju ruzne zene i GROBOVI, ti nisi ni PICKA, nisi ni GROB, pa si srednja zalost.
Sve upućuje na to,,ja ću stati postrani ,,,jesi bio?

