Veličina penisa

Anketa za žene: pale me manji penisi

  • da

    Glasova: 30 13,0%
  • ne

    Glasova: 113 49,1%
  • ne manji od 7 cm u erekciji

    Glasova: 38 16,5%
  • nije mi važna veličina

    Glasova: 49 21,3%

  • Ukupno glasača
Nisam ovo ja izmislio nego neko malo pametniji od nas dvojice

There are many myths about the effect of penetrative sex on the female body. According to Planned Parenthood, there is no evidence that sex causes a loosening of the vagina over time.

The vagina is temporarily more open before, during, and after sex. This is similar to the mouth stretching to yawn or eat, then returning to its usual shape.
Nisam ovo ja izmislio nego neko malo pametniji od nas dvojice

There are many myths about the effect of penetrative sex on the female body. According to Planned Parenthood, there is no evidence that sex causes a loosening of the vagina over time.

The vagina is temporarily more open before, during, and after sex. This is similar to the mouth stretching to yawn or eat, then returning to its usual shape.
Ma nemas pojma, vidio bi da tvoju malu izbusim sta je to

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